On this page, you can find what you want to know about Turkish Lightings store and frequently asked questions before ordering.

The questions we have compiled in this list consist of the most frequently asked questions by our customers. If you can't find the answer to your question in this list, don't worry, you can ask your other questions from our Whatsapp and Telegram support line.

Which Country Is Your Store In?

Do you ship internationally?

Do You Do Free Delivery?

Which Shipping Companies Do You Work With?

How Many Days Are Your Delivery Times By Countries?

What Credit Cards Do You Support, Also do you accept PayPal payment?

Is there a Money Back Guarantee?

Do You Have Support About Incoming Packages Damaged?

Do Your Glasses Contain Chemicals?

What Voltage Standard Do You Produce and Which Sockets Do You Use?

How Do We Assemble Our Demounted Lamps? How Do We Make the Electrical Connection of Lamps Requiring Cable Connection?

Sizing Details

Care instructions

Gift wrapping and packaging

Do You Produce Customized Lamp? Are you producing a Model that is not available on your website?

Do You Have Wholesale?

The answer to the question I am looking for is not found on this page, what should I do?